Visual Guide - Access
The Dragon Wagon
This visual story is intended to help prepare you for your visit to “The Dragon Wagon”. Here is a short guide to what you will see if you come along and watch the show.
A small caravan. It is painted blue with colourful designs at the top and bottom. There are three actors. One actor is on the roof of the caravan. They have thrown an egg down to the other two actors. The other two actors are running to catch the egg.
This is our caravan with the actors around it. The actors call it “The Wagon ”. Characters will come in and out of it during the show. They can also climb up the ladder on the side and get on top of the caravan. There is another ladder inside the caravan, so sometimes they use that and you see them on the roof. It is safe, and they have practised.
A caravan in a park. An actor and a BSL interpreter stand in front of the caravan. The caravan is adapted to look like a cave. An audience is watching.
This is what our caravan looks like when it’s in a park in a town. Sometimes shows are in parks on grass, like this. Other times, shows are in housing estates or theatres or schools. The area around the caravan may look a bit different. You can always spot where the show will be by looking at the location on our website. You can also look for where the caravan is. It will usually be surrounded by grass.
The audience sit on the grass. The area where the audience will sit is marked out by a colourful rope. You can sit anywhere you would like behind the rope.
You are welcome to bring a blanket, water, and anything else that would make you comfortable while you watch the show outside. You are welcome to move around at any time during the show. If you feel that you would like to leave the show at any time, you are also welcome to do this.
You can spot our friendly steward because they are wearing lanyards that say “Jellyfish Theatre on them:
The stewards are here to help before, during and after the show. If you have any questions, you can ask the stewards.
This is the side of the caravan - when the show starts, it will look like this. You will see actors and puppets appearing at the windows and coming out of the door. The actors are wearing pyjamas and they put other clothes on top to show that they are different characters. In this picture the actor with the red pyjamas is wearing a crown and she’s also wearing a big gold headscarf to cover up her crown. This is because she doesn’t want anyone to recognise her. The actors also wear microphones to make their voices loud enough for us to hear them when they are far away from us.
A small caravan painted blue. There is a colourful pattern painted at the top and bottom. There is a ladder on the side of the caravan. An actor is standing in the open door of the caravan. Another actor is leaning on a pram outside the caravan.
This is the front of the caravan. During the show, the actors will turn it around, and then continue the show. The first time this happens, an actor will come and play the guitar and sing while the caravan is turning. He will invite the audience to sing with him. You can join in if you want to, but you don’t have to. The second time the caravan is turned, music will play.
The front of a small caravan. There is a dragon puppet inside the caravan. An actor is playing the guitar and singing in front of the caravan.
This is what the caravan look like when the dragon comes out. The dragon is a friendly character and a puppet. It is operated by two actors inside the caravan who you won’t see. During the show the actor will ask for 2 volunteers to come and help clean the dragon’s teeth. You don’t have to volunteer, but you can if you want to.
The front of a small caravan. There is a dragon puppet head sticking out of the front window. An actor is playing the accordion and singing in front of the caravan.
This is the other side of the caravan. This is the last side that you will see in the show. An actor dresses up as a yellow troll. He/they wears a furry yellow wig and yellow clothes. He/they plays the cymbal and sings a silly song.
The side of a caravan. The caravan is painted with brightly coloured stone shapes. An actor dressed as a yellow troll is playing the cybal with two drum sticks.
This is the what this side looks like when the doors are open. This is the set for the inside of the dragon cave. Actors will open up the doors of the caravan so you can see the inside, like this picture, near the end of the show. Sometimes smoke comes out of the cave. It’s made by a machine inside the caravan. The actors turn the machine on. Nothing is on fire. It is safe.
A caravan painted with brightly coloured stones. The side of the caravan is opened and the interior is decorated to look like a cave. There is an actor inside wearing a crown. She has a chest of treasure and she is looking at the treasure.